Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My freakin bloody stupid life #2

I have been getting some feedback on what i have written and to those who thaught it was poorly written i am sorry but i didn't even look at the screen while i wrote it and i pressed publish as soon as i was over because i wanted it to be my very first impression of my life. I didn't want to overthink because when you do overthink then averything is judt screwed up. Also why jelly beans? Seriously, why jelly beans? And why not. Jelly beans are great and unlike our freakin parents or sometimes friends, jelly beans make you feel better about yourself. Their swetness is unlike anything else. So ys jelly beans 'cause i also need some confort sometimes. Peace out yall!

My freakin bloody stupid life #1

It’s just that everyone grows but i feel like i am stuck in the same body as i was some years ago. Even my mind… I still have pretty much the same ideals. Goals? None! I is it possible. All that is the same is my inconditional love for series and movies. And even that has grown larger, much greater. So greater that I am seriously an addict. And it both is great and sucks. How come my only goals in life are living long enough so I can see the end of my favourite tv and film series? How come? Even books. I used to love them and stay up late just reading them, enjoying the story, playing it in my mind. But now, all I do is talk to myself, go to my computer, update my facebook ( If you can call checking if you have any notifications from friends updating) and watch series or movies. Seriously, my mum is the one who has appointments in the shrink but I should be the one to go. The funny thing is I kinda enjoy my life. I mean, when I only think of myself. But then I start looking for people that I used to know on facebook and it is a total shock. They grown, they have boyfriends and girlfriends, they have beards, they are hot. Not me, no. I am still small and the one who will grow to be an aunt and only that. A friend of mine actually told me I was going to be a social experiment. You know, see when would actually fall in love and start dating and then she would emphasize this at my wedding as my bridesmaid. Lovely, isn’t she. It’s not that I don’t think that certain guys are sexy and really nice, it’s just that I can’t picture myself dating and boys have been making it easier on me because theydon’t seem to notice me neither.